
9th International Skills Forum Remaining Education and Skills Development for a New Normal
Stadt, Land Philippinen
Veranstaltungsort online
Teilnehmerkreis nur mit Anmeldung
Veranstalter ADB Education Group in cooperation with the Yidan Prize Foundation, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the Education Commission
Veranstaltungsart Forum
Zielgruppen (Kategorien)

Under the theme Reimagining Education and Skills Development for a New Normal, the forum will focus on these three questions:

  • how to scale up learning and equity while building on lessons from new generation adaptive and blended learning technologies? 
  • how to prepare learners with better employability and 21st century skills? 
  • how to leverage partnerships to support innovative approaches to building back better for a new normal?

This year’s event will be held in partnership with the Yidan Prize Foundation, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the Education Commission, among others. We expect more than 1,000 participants to attend including senior government officials from 30 or more of ADB's developing member countries.

Links: https://platform.eventboost.com/eg/isf2021/68
Land (thematisch)
Kontinent (thematisch)
Weltregion (thematisch)

Adresse zur Veranstaltung


Beginn: 23.08.2021
Ende: 27.08.2021