Video clips: Permeability in vocational education and training
What is important in the transition from school to work? Why do young people choose dual VET? What further development opportunities are there afterwards? GOVET spoke in eight video interviews with apprentices, trainers and project leaders from the field of technology.

"I'm taking part in 'O ja!' because I'm enthusiastic about technology and want to try it out first. After 'O ja!' there are many options open to me," answers Levi Elias Israel when asked why he decided to take part in the orientation programme after his Abitur. The 19-year-old is completing the orientation year training and studies (O ja!). "O ja!" is a joint offer by the Berlin Chamber of Skilled Crafts and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences. For one year, young people who are interested in the environment, energy, digitalisation, computer science and technology can get to know apprenticeships and courses of study in the MINT sector.
While Elias is at the beginning of a professional career in the technical field, Kathrin Hilbrich can already look back on several stations in her professional career. From high school graduation to vocational training to university studies, she has been able to go through everything in the same field, sums up the engineer and training supervisor in the field of microtechnology, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Berlin.
In eight video clips, GOVET talks to nine people like Kathrin Hilbrich and Levi Elias Israel who work in the technical field or aspire to do so. They talk about their experiences in the various qualification levels within the German Qualifications Framework (DQR) such as preparatory measures for initial vocational training, dual initial training or higher-qualification vocational training.
The interviewees:
- Janosch Braun, Master Craftsman and Training Supervisor, Industrial Mechatronics, , ABB Training Center Berlin (AZB)
- Anna Leonzi Fahlbusch, Project Manager, „O ja!“ Orientation year for apprenticeships and university courses“, Handwerkskammer Berlin (HWK)
- Anita Hansen, Technician and Training Supervisor, Mechatronics, ABB Training Center Berlin (AZB)
- Kathrin Hilbrich, Engineer and Training Supervisor, Mircotechnology, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Berlin
- Levi Elias Israel, Participant, O ja!“ Orientation year for apprenticeships and university courses“, Handwerkskammer Berlin (HWK)
- Sumaia Kabir, Apprentice (1st year), Eletronics technician for automation technology, ABB Training Center Berlin (AZB)
- Kevin Kunkel, Technician and Training Supervisor, Mircotechnology, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Berlin
- Mohammad Mohammadi, Apprentice (3rd year), Microtechnology, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut (FBH), Berlin
- Prof. Birgit Müller, Project Manager, „O ja!“ Orientation year for apprenticeships and university courses“, Handwerkskammer Berlin (HWK)
Eight video clips: Permeability in vocational education and training
The video clips are suitable as testimonials in the context of seminars or workshops in international VET cooperation. They are available in German and in German with the following subtitles: Arabic, Italian, Hebrew and Russian. A selection of five clips may be found in English.
English Version (a selection of five clips)
German Version with Arabic subtitle
German Version with English subtitle
German Version with German subtitle
German Version with Hebrew subtitle
German Version with Italian subtitle
German Version with Russian subtitle